Indian paperback edition
Srishti Publishers, 2008
Rs. 100
eBook version
Kindle Direct Publishing, 2011
- Do you find yourself stressed about work long after you’ve left office?
- Do you feel your work leaves you with little time and energy for your passions, hobbies and family?
- Do you sometimes feel you never have enough time to do all you want with your life?

If you find yourself nodding, then you have a lot in common with the hero of this tale. He had spent almost thirty years on this planet, and had little to show for it. His days were filled with long work hours, stress and all he had by way of a personal life was getting wasted with friends. He found himself wondering whether there was any point to life beyond  one rat race after another

All that changed one week.

A week when he almost lost his job, almost got killed and learnt that the solution to all his problems lay in answering one simple question- what does leading a more fulfilling life have in common with making the perfect glass of Long Island Ice Tea?

"Watch a young man travel from the acme of corporatedom to the brink of death and realise that the secret to a fulfilling life lies in the art of making a great cocktail. Calls for a drink, eh?"
- The Times of India

"A heady cocktail for Gen X....written in lucid prose and addresses the dilemmas and crises faced by the young people. "
- Sahara Times

"If you happen to pick up Mainak Dhar's The Funda of Mix-ology you will learn that degrees and pay packets alone don't make life complete. You need to mix all the ingredients and mix them right."
- The Pioneer

"I could not fathom what mixing, stirring or shaking a bunch of high-calorie, addictive liqueurs could have to do with life. So I plunged in, albeit with a straw in hand in case I had to surface for air or, gasp, my sanity. What I was in for, however, was a pleasant is an extremely easy read. And like all good books of this genre, there is a moral at the end —one that the author does not try to stuff down our throats. It’s up to us whether we want to accept what he says: that life is like a glass of Long Island Ice Tea – to enjoy it, you have to mix it up. I for one plan to give it a shot. Bottoms up! "

"Among the novels creating a buzz on campus!"
- Times of India

"SItting around at Oxford Bookstore's Cha Bar in Delhi one evening, I count the books that go off the shelf one evening. Five girls picked up The Funda of Mixology...other books selling like hotcakes were The Secret and Khalid Hosseini's Thousand Splendid Sons"
- Times Life

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