"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it."

- William James
I came into this world 39 years ago in India, and nine schools, six cities and four countries later find myself in Singapore. A cubicle dwller by day and writer by night, I spend my time with my wonderful wife, Puja, our son Aaditya and my trusty laptop.
Mine is not a special story- we all have stories of our own. But as a writer, the experiences one goes through do end up shaping what one reveals of oneself to the world through one's words. Looking back, a big influence on me has been my largely nomadic childhood, where adjusting to new places and friends every couple of years both made me rely on my imagination and also first stoked my love for writing.
My father, Maloy, was someone I admired for keeping his own love of writing alive, so that even after a hiatus of more than thirty years, he published his first book at the age of 58 and become a bestselling author. He passed away in 2012, but his remarkable legacy is preserved at maloykrishnadhar.com.
My mother, Sunanda  encouraged my love for writing, going with me to publishers when I, as a college student, saw a seemingly impossible dream to get a book published, and always being the whisper in my ear telling me that no dream was too big to dream. Cancer may have taken her from me in 2001, but I still feel she's there with me, gently nudging me to write one more page, to see one more dream.
I don't know if the concept of rebirth is true or not, but I certainly would consider myself to have been reborn in a way over the last few years. That came with the realization  that I had met a woman whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Having Puja in my life rekindled my hope that things could turn out for the better after all.
My writing had taken a backseat since my mother's death, and I had drunk myself to obesity. I quit drinking, got back into shape and kickstarted my writing with a resolution to write one book a year. In 2004 Puja made me the happiest man on Earth by agreeing to marry me. After more than three wonderful years of marriage, we were joined in May 2008 by the latest addition to our little family- Aaditya.
My resolution is to write one book a year- and as long as you keep reading, I'll keep writing.