Sunlight- something we take for granted- yet something that is an integral part of our lives, indeed without which there would be no life.

Sunlight- the E-Journal is dedicated to such things which we scarcely think about in the course of our busy lives, yet which are an integral part of the world we live in- war and peace, love and hate, life and death, poverty and riches. Some of these we yearn for and wish would be a part of our lives, others we hope never touch us.

Sunlight will feature short stories, essays and poems on this broad theme and is meant to serve as a forum for those who love writing to exchange ideas, and share each other's work. I started it off with a few of my ramblings and as more contributions have come in, Sunlight is on its way to realizing this vision.

Also, please do sign the Guestbook and let me know your feedback and ideas to make Sunlight better.
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Sunlight was born on October 3, 1999
Last updated on March 15, 2011
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